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Everything posted by rhogerheide

  1. Alright, I'm really awake now. Headed to the radio station to get ready for tonight's show. Lots of artist features and live mixing!

  2. I hate thinking that I have woken up, but then I wake up again like fifteen minutes later. Fuck you Leonardo DiCaprio

  3. Fuck bitches, get candy

  4. I just woke up from a midafternoon nap. That honestly was the hardest I've slept in the past week. Back to the station. #grind

  5. So ready to get out of here. Any Pittsburgh DJ's need an opener? Or can just hook me up with a way into a booth to hang out? #frustrated

  6. Sitting in the station all day today working on awesome new music. Last day of the month means new promotional CD's

  7. Working on new shit for the show on Tuesday. Just cleaned another five albums. #longnights The Halloween mixtape will be up later too

  8. You know you have #insomnia when you realize that you have watched the same episode of SportsCenter three times in a row now

  9. Also continue sending in submissions for The Urban Diner, the only hip-hop radio show in Morgantown, WV! Tweet links here or DM for an email

  10. I fucking love Sundays. Waking up at five and just vibin to new hip hop for the radio show. #goodday #Ohanas later tonight, let's get it

  11. I was fucking dirty on the tables tonight. Nights like this are what keeps me going

  12. And yeah, I'm continuing the trend of bar pictures. Kys Lounge tonight. Come through! http://t.co/Ea2jdvdG

  13. The only things sexier than lingerie, are zombie movies.

  14. I just shotgunned a redbull. I'm about to tweet like crazy. #sorryimnotsorry

  15. I am eating wayyyy too much candy right now. Its like a kit-kat graveyard around my tables right now

  16. I fucking HATE when people disappoint me. Dont even waste my time if that's what you are about.

  17. Somebody just requested the Dora the Explorer theme song. #isthisreallife

  18. #cosign "@HazmatDMV: HELP ME GET TO MY FIRST MILLION Check this video out -- ROCKSTAR By Hazmat Ft PC THS Chris Treez http://t.co/A4hdvPpP"

  19. Anybody know somebody who does design work or photography? I've got some work to get done! Let's #network

  20. Also, on a sidenote, the MOST obnoxious thing in the world is when people believe shit from other people about me. Just ask me, not them

  21. Project for when I get off air: Cleaning all of Wale's new stuff and contacting people for the show next week.

  22. Radio flow today from 1:30-6. Ohanas later tonight.

  23. I got in a car accident tonight. FUCKING WONDERFUL

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