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  1. Hi there, We are looking for a strong remix on this track. Please let us know as we want to get this out with the YOUR- ARMY team in the next 4 weeks. https://open.spotify.com/track/3LZQ25ioEH9Fa5diIfmtrh?si=yyhvEshoSFi99jRYmIEZsQ Thanks, Benedict Team warzone-benedict-triplejunearthed-192k-9570546-8832421-585014.mp3
  2. Hey there DJ's, I wanted to connect and reach out! Hope this message finds you safe and well in this challenging time. I am an Australian independent artist and have developed my most recent original project over the last 3 years. Release my first single ‘Oh Fool’ last November 2019. End of July I will be releasing my new single Warzone with PR in USA, UK and AUS. I am super keen to connect and see if any of you amazing people connect to my track 'Oh Fool' and want to spin it, remix it and anything else you feel get in contact please. Please find below my current bio, artwork and mp3 of the track. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Benedict www.benedictoffcial.com https://www.facebook.com/benedictmusicofficial/ https://www.instagram.com/benedictmusicofficial/ Oh Fool DIGITAL MASTER REV1.mp3 BENEDICT BIOGRAPHY.pdf
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