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Everything posted by Disdork91

  1. This track is sick ladys will love it
  2. Sup with this wack asssss SQ ?????????
  3. MAn !!! This is what im talking about !!! And the Beat is nice !
  4. Say Jade the link is broken could you help me out bro I got the inst. and acca. but need the rest. If you can thanks man.
  5. Song is a hit but dam quality needs to come first o_O
  6. Ive been wanting some drops for a while but didnt know where to look ? What kind of music are you talking about ? But about the drops I could use a few. Name is Dj.Chance whatever you do im sure ill be gratefull so le me know whats up ?
  7. Dam but the quality needs to be better :/ I think anyone who deals with music should make that there main concern, what the point of music if it dosent sound clear ??
  8. Already making them scream !!!!
  9. I think theres needs to be more jams like this one, when it comes to slow jams im all about all the oldschool 80s music.
  10. This gots to make #1 on the charts !!! "Perfect balance of artist"
  11. Not enjoying the sound of the vocals its like there far away IDK maybe its just my speakers beat it nice though.
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