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Everything posted by DJKahn

  1. Nice track for sure! Big production sound Sir Slim. Only way is up!
  2. Oh, dayum! She found that special sound...can't resist! Must play it! Respectacy lady Keri!
  3. L M A O!! The girls came out and dropped to it. Damn sure creative pimp. Got any mean club tracks coming out? Got the voice...Pop it!
  4. Not sure how to put it. It's a good track, just a bit noisy. Too much seems to be going on. Locked out the "yow'n" and it went bigger on the floor. Keep trackin!
  5. Pro sound, bredda! You got some good voicetics. Looking forward to some club bumps with a voice like that.
  6. Vury nice cut, indeed! Do these cats have anything else throwin down as of late? Keep building on it!
  7. Received a note to check it out. Glad I did. It sounds deep on two 12" Dub7s or 12" P'neer P'meres. Referred about 12 other track-masters already! 9+/10 soldier!
  8. How'd I miss this in the search? Don't matter if it's from last year or not. This is straight up PLAYable. *Props where props is due!*
  9. Back ground rift is pretty sweet. YJ has one of those epic voices. I'd like to hear this one re-dubbed with a lil less echo and bring his voice foward. Thanks for the great track!
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