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SNUGG JIZZLE's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Whatever happen to @irodagreat coming to the studio smh

  2. That's what a lot of money bring slick hating all over some green - @irodagreat

  3. Girl I do care about you just not your complaints lol

  4. Thanking god for waking me up and all my followers

  5. Been sleeping all day..... Feels like I'm hibernating or something lol

  6. Finn to be up for a while my love has fell asleep on me

  7. Finn to lay it down , I'm in for the day

  8. Finn get something to eat and head over to the studio

  9. Been m.I.a for a couple days , thought somethings over now I'm back to that savage life

  10. Trying so hard to keep my cool...

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