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Status Updates posted by RexxLeo

  1. Posted a new song: "Lord knows Rexx Leo and GD " http://t.co/m6M228hX #music

  2. I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/m7dzaY58 Part 2 of Lord knows behind the scenes

  3. whats up everyone =D its almost christmas =D

  4. I cant believe how fast this year went by X_X

  5. Networking with DJs via @GreenHitz!

  6. i love my sistas but on some #realshit yall gotta stop having all these kids out of wedlock.. having kids after a divorce is cool not b4..

  7. it would be nice to wake up to some head lol

  8. dam twitter must be like horny ass hell today.. all these trending topics about sex lol..

  9. shout out to all the real independent women... Having your own is the most attractive thing of all...

  10. bumping tm103 real nigga shit =D

  11. my shower was overflowing this morning #epicfail

  12. i dont think nothing is better than being in the company of a woman you love.. finding her is half the battle keeping her is the other half

  13. I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/oG7hlPKp Lord Knows Rexx Leo and GD

  14. you know your toungue is good when a chick start climbing away like spiderman ahah

  15. i think women love sex just as much as men but most dont admit it lol..

  16. Here is the final version of never give up =D Never give Up http://t.co/lEuOo362 on #SoundCloud

  17. head everyday would mke any man stay faithful.. real talk... we wouldnt cheat on a girl who gave headeveryday lol.. less arguments more head

  18. hope everyone had a wonderful christmas

  19. RexxLeo ft Serena - Never Give up.. http://t.co/F82dT6rF

  20. good morning twitter =D

  21. wat a day.. things are looking great =D

  22. shout out to @urisarang_SMEnt check em out =D

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