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Status Updates posted by rhogerheide

  1. My dog is cooler then any person I know. No lie.

  2. My dogs are better at keeping me warm than any blanket in the universe.

  3. My friends made a twitter account for my dog. Awesome. I guess you should follow him? @RollyTheOG

  4. My hats aren't the only thing I leave whenever I leave your arms....

  5. My mix will be on air from 11:30 to midnight, and again at 2:30. And I will be in the studio from midnight until 8am! #WorkPaysOff

  6. My phone now corrects rapping to raping. I think this is a bad sign. #TheRapistHandbook

  7. MY PIZZA IS BAKING. It is being made by a guy named David apparently.

  8. My team can survive on it's own. It doesn't need me, and I don't need them. We choose to work together. #HugeDifference #ImDoneRanting

  9. No, I don't want your number. No, I don't want to give you mine. No, I don't want no scrub. A scrub is a girl who can't get no love from me

  10. Not that I don't appreciate the love, but I always end up with like twenty shots in the booth by the end of the night

  11. Not to mention, fuck the bullshit, you aren't that amazing. Yes, you've been dj'ing for fifteen years. Funny thing is nobody knows you yet

  12. Note to self: if you're in a bad mood, don't go to WalMart during a Black Friday at midnight. I swear to god I may go to jail tonight

  13. Now that the NBA season is done, I'm hoping SLAM-BALL makes a comeback.


  15. Okay, here's the shot out of the cannon: Oprah, Barbara Walters, your wife. You gotta fuck one, marry one, kill one, go! #StepBrothers

  16. On this talk show now, the topic is how raccoons are going to turn ferral and kill all humans. I have no idea where these people come from

  17. One thing I've learned about women is this: the only way you fall apart is when you think that the word "me" is more important than "us"

  18. Only fifteen more minutes until I get to go home and sleep. This time can't pass fast enough

  19. People say, yo Ric, you're really funny looking. Well that's alright I get things cooking #Humptyhump

  20. People who drink and drive deserve to have their kids raised by Casey Anthony.

  21. Project for when I get off air: Cleaning all of Wale's new stuff and contacting people for the show next week.

  22. Qdoba is amazing. Fuck you if you think Chipotle is better.

  23. Quick shout out to the people, promotion companies, and clubs supporting garbage ass Djs because they charge thirty dollars a night #FuckYou

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