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Status Updates posted by rhogerheide

  1. I hate yelling. I fucking hate it so much. But sometimes, things are worth being fought for.

  2. I have finally realized: I know more about quantum physics than I do about what goes on in a woman's head; And I know nothing about physics

  3. I have like six flashlights and not a single one has batteries. #WellFuck

  4. I just bought the first season of Pokemon. Anything you did today can't compare. #Fact

  5. I just crushed that set with the force of a thousand suns. 800 people jumping and screaming. #HYPERGLOWWV #TooBlessed

  6. I just discovered @ZombieDating My life is complete

  7. I just got the boot off my car and they had a picture of my car hanging in the Parking Authority office with the word WANTED giant across it

  8. I just realized that I am never going to look like an "adult." Ever. Damn these terrible genes.

  9. I just saw two hideous girls walking on campus. The first was ugly, but then came her friend who was like Ugly Pt. 2: Revenge of the Ugly

  10. I just shotgunned a redbull. I'm about to tweet like crazy. #sorryimnotsorry

  11. I just stepped outside and it's dark. Are you kidding me....

  12. I just woke up and it's dark again. Fuck this noise.

  13. I just woke up from a midafternoon nap. That honestly was the hardest I've slept in the past week. Back to the station. #grind

  14. I know it sounds really conceited, but it's true. That's what good dj's do; they help break local artists and play music that DESERVES it

  15. I love good music. So damn much

  16. I love Mexican food. That extra kick of Salmonella in all of the dishes really gives it that uumph

  17. I miss being able to yell "G-UNIT" in any situation and have it be socially relevant.

  18. I murdered this place tonight. And I even had to play straight Latin music at one point. Much love to the people who came to #Kys & #Ohanas

  19. I need to quit waking up so late. I think I may be a vampire. #thankgodIdontsparkle

  20. I never thought it was possible to be this mad at a football game I wasn't playing in. #allofmyrage

  21. I see all of these morning shift jocks tweeting about going on air now. I don't know how they get up every morning to do it #salute

  22. I swear to god, I get a ticket every time I drive through Ohio. Every damn time.

  23. I swear to god, if this bitch doesn't stop coming back here and trying to rape me I will punch her in her throat. Try me

  24. I swear to god, this twatching is driving me crazy. Bitch, you live in Michigan. Not even in the same state. Fuck off.

  25. I swear, every time I listen to Jay-Z and Biggie the hustler in me comes out. #grind

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