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Status Updates posted by rhogerheide

  1. Quit complaining and wishing things would happen. Get out there and make it happen; #NutUpOrShutUp

  2. Radio flow today from 1:30-6. Ohanas later tonight.

  3. Ran into the same ex-girlfriend again today, this time as a server. Pretty sure my food is going to be filled with spit. #Yummy

  4. Reasons I love djing at Shooters: There is an entire door covered in fan signatures. http://t.co/tEqk0Ypv

  5. Remember kid there's heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered but legends never die follow your heart kid and you'll never go wrong

  6. RIP Steve Jobs. He was the closest thing the world has ever had to Tony Stark

  7. Running to get these flyers printed for tomorrow. Pictures up soon. Hopefully I don't get raped on the quality

  8. Scotty doesn't know that Fiona and me, do it in my van every Sunday

  9. See this is why I love Twitter more than Facebook. Promoting on Facebook just means reposting the same shit over and over

  10. Seems like the same people who talk shit about the music I spin are the same people who play those tracks when I'm not around

  11. Shane is such a fucking dick. Fuck him.

  12. She said it's all going to end, so it might as well be my fault. And she only sleeps when it's raining.

  13. Shooters is my favorite and least favorite spot to Dj in Morgantown at the same time. Time to get different bookings rolling

  14. Shout outs to my new followers! Big things are in the works! I appreciate the support and love y'all are showing!

  15. Shoutout to the guy who just asked me to not tell anybody he was in the bar. I don't know you, so you can count on me going through with it

  16. Showing a little love to @LUX_Nightclub for the follow! Make sure you guys get me in there to spin sometime!

  17. Simple bitches have simple goals. I don't have time for that shit, I'm trying to make it somewhere.

  18. Sitting in the office with @BuddyFresh getting shit done. Looking for people to join the team.Need help with bookings and whatnot. Hit me up

  19. Sitting in the station all day today working on awesome new music. Last day of the month means new promotional CD's

  20. Snow in Morgantown turns every driver into an idiot. They either drive entirely way too slow, or ignore that it's snowing and floor it

  21. So ready to get out of here. Any Pittsburgh DJ's need an opener? Or can just hook me up with a way into a booth to hang out? #frustrated

  22. Some girl just tried to tell me that Nicki Minaj is the greatest female rapper of all time. Uhh, have you ever heard of Lauryn Hill? #fugees

  23. Some of these djs. I will give you my set list; you still couldn't do it as well as me.

  24. Somebody just requested the Dora the Explorer theme song. #isthisreallife

  25. Somedays I just love driving like an asshole. It happens

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