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Everything posted by DreRhymez

  1. House full of pros that specialize in the hoe'in.

  2. Ehh, It Doesn't Even Look That Good. RT @kolbithemermaid: @OhImDre YOU HAVE NEVER LIVED!!

  3. I'm gonna make some people mad when i say this but, I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world. Goodnight. :)http://t.co/7xTLuM1U

  4. Sucker Punch Your Son In The Face If He Does This Shit. > http://t.co/TeOqmp41

  5. Wtf is this shit on ABC?

  6. I don't mean to rush you girl but, we should be Body to Body.

  7. Who Told Ludacris To Make Some Headphones? -___-

  8. El DeBarge Is Classic.

  9. You Guys Are Obviously The Coolest People On Earth. RT @clairelouuu: @katurine527 wtf I'm listening to @OhImDre as well...

  10. I didn't know the last Transformers movie was this action packed! This shit cray.

  11. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  12. I Guess You Could Say That The Only Thing I Have A Fear Of Is Being Unsuccessful.

  13. I Got You. :) RT @ProdLuvs_Ciara: @OhImDre hey Can u Follow Me Back:)

  14. I'm Irritable When I'm Horny So Fuck You Until You Fuck Me.

  15. A Nigga Can't Be Jenny From The Block Now? Yall Some Haters.

  16. I know the look on my face says that I don't give a fuck. You should take it as such.

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