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Everything posted by DreRhymez

  1. I have to stop flirting with milfs.

  2. lol I'm not about that Twitter marriage life. RT @missbeezyyy: @OhImDre uhm. Tryna be twubby tho!?

  3. Even the Cavs got a win today. hahaaaa

  4. This year, i'm gonna try not to be such an asshole.

  5. Just woke up. Late night.

  6. "Flocka will you be my baby daddy? EYAS."

  7. It is too hard to say "no" to my woman. I'm a punk. :/

  8. What is it? :D RT @missbeezyyy: @OhImDre got something for you!!! :)

  9. This bitch just said "I like to write poems. I'm a poemist." o_0

  10. I have a feeling that the rest of this week is gonna be great.

  11. Fellas, what's cooler than being ice cold?

  12. Fuck This. I'm Moving Out.

  13. My Mom chooses the most fucked up times to act like an asshole.

  14. Tweeting when i'm pissed helps me blow off steam. I'm good now.

  15. Don't spread depression across the world with all these dying baby commercials. You don't make me feel better by telling me that he's dying.

  16. I Once Was Your Heart.

  17. Just Put This Picture Up. Classic. http://t.co/KbLd7aoE

  18. The Lion & His Lioness.

  19. Kiss Me Like You Miss Me. Fuck Me Like You Hate Me.

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