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whose occupations

Those whose occupations lead them into the street, must expect a wetting. Strangers seem to join ito the sports with great glee. Ah English master of a vessel, just arrived, received a bucket of water. Not being aware of the practice, he took up bricks, swearing he would break every window in the house. He could scarcely be pacified. Many persons have been seriously ill from the effects of Carnival playing. The jimmy choo uggs newspapers and police have interfered to suppress it, hitherto, without effect, though it is somewhat lessened. They follow it as an ancient custom of the country; and,On the second day of the fair, it blew a gale of wind, ill which a boat,belonging to H.M. brig of war, Pfoeer, was ilpset, between the inner and outer roads, and five men were drowned. A subscription was opened for their families, in England, and 500 dollars were collected. Mr. Poussett, the viceconsul, generously exerted himself to forward this charitable act.like Other absurdities, it will, I suppose, die a natural death. If the ladies knew how much it detracts from feminine softness, surely it would be discontinued by them.In 1825, government seized the opportunity of the victory in Peru, to devote the three days of Carnival to public rejoicings Handbills Were accordingly issued, requesting fathers and masters of families to assist them, and prevent waterthrowing, denominating it " disgraceful to a civilized people." The appealhad, in some degree, the desired effect: at night, however, the waterplaying folks could not resist indulging in their favourite amusementsprinkling the pedestrians with Water from phials; especially in the Plaza, where, some mischiefloving girls managed to accommodate me with some of their favours in this way. In jimmy choo shoes time, the good sense of the people will banish this, as they have many other of their antique and absurd customs; for instance, the musical exhibitions during Lenta triumph gained by reason over bigotry and priestcraft.Provisions.The new market, in the centre of the town, is convenient, and well supplied : soldiers are stationed in the outlets, to keep order.

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