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Dockko born Donnell Tucker comes from a long line of hard workers and thus he is the product of hard work. He works hard on his craft and is self-taught to play the piano, drums, and bass guitar. Dockko produces his own beats and handles his own engineering. Dockko grew up rapping and his family is supportive of his career. Dockko was raised by his grandparents who taught him about the importance of morals and ethics to have common sense which has brought him a long way in life. Dockko started making music at the age of ten as he started to play music on glass cups filled with various levels of water which made different unique sounds. Those various sounds stuck with Dockko as years later he became a producer to turn those sounds into music as his dream and vision come to life with his talents. Adding his voice to his music productions took things to the next level as Dockko realized his rapping ability and he immediately began recording vocals to more and more of his productions to receive great positive feedback. This lead to Dockko's motto "Hear my vision."

Dockko began networking and came into contact with the founder/owner of Zobe, Alonzo Black, who saw the potential in this talented individual and who signed Dockko to an Exclusive deal with independent-major label Zobe Records. Dockko immediately began enhancing his artist development with Zobe and has been increasing his exposure, promotions, marketing, booking, fan base, and his image. Currently Dockko is working towards becoming successful music artist, producer, performer, and writer in the industry while continuing to learn as much as he can about his craft. Dockko is currently promoting his single "One Night" which is from his unreleased debut album "#TheRealDockkO" and he is currently in the studio working on a few new singles, an EP, and his second full length LP album that will be released under Zobe Records along with a few music videos so look out for this outstanding artist. Dockko has a nice growing buzz within the industry, he has a lot of eyes on him, and he is ready to take his music career to the new heights!

Dockko is a Rap/Hip-Hop artist, music producer, and writer out of the DMV area coming to a stage, radio station, magazine, and TV near you after signing to indie-major label Zobe Records!

Follow @TheRealDockko on twitter!

Purchase or Stream:
GOOGLE PLAY - https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Dockko_One_Night?id=Bpiwh4c2cwt37x262orzk4gfita
AMAZON - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GB1EDXQ?ie=UTF8&keywords=dockko&qid=1464724090&ref_=sr_1_1&s=dmusic&sr=1-1-mp3-albums-bar-strip-0
TIDAL - http://tidal.com/us/store/album/61385652
SPOTIFY - https://play.spotify.com/artist/1RjH32edZtLEsunOv8cklo?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open
"One Night" (Single) - https://youtu.be/RVSwiDWni_s
"Monster" (Workin My Mix) - https://youtu.be/QtlzlPo5yBY
"56 Nights" (Workin My Mix) - https://youtu.be/QgpNS-rtAn4

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