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DJ Eric T

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Posts posted by DJ Eric T

  1. this is a nice track. I have a sweet 16 party 2 do this weekend. it will definitely be in the rotation!



    Contact: VistosoBosses2@gmail.com

    When you meet Taylah P and Kelci, the girls behind Vistoso Bosses, the first thing you notice is their style. Depending on the day Kelci might have some color in her hair and a million colorful buttons on, Taylah might have drawn freckles on her cheeks or brushed brightest shade of blue you’ve ever seen over her big brown eyes. But after that you’ll notice that these best friends “from before birth” have the kind of confidence you’d never expect from a pair of 17-year-olds.

    It’s not a put-on. Kelci and Taylah are the first women to sign to Collipark Music, having come to the attention of Collipark boss Mr. Collipark through a friend. "When I saw the girls, it opened me up to a whole world," he says. The girls already had not only their look and personalities, but their memorable first single, the infectious UK pop meets Cyndi Lauper single "Delirious." It got his attention right away. "When you walk through the mall with Vistoso and you see the girls running up to them and asking questions, you don't need to know that there's nothing on the radio like this, or that there are no other girls who look like them." And, trust, it's all them. Vistoso Bosses bring a do-it-yourself spirit to their rising music career. They didn’t meet at a casting call, and everything, from their style to their sound, belongs to them. “A lot of people say that it's set up and that people tell us what to do, but that's us,” says Taylah. Kelci sets them straight: “Nobody told us how to act.”

    In fact Vistoso Bosses really began in their grandmother's closet. “We made a cardboard box with a cover and a mic sitting in there,” Kelci laughs. “We would make beats with our mouth, record it, and play it back so we could write the song. It was great!” The girls started recording professionally soon after, but they still had to take the public bus to get to the studio. “We knew you needed to have a name for people to take you seriously," explains Taylah. Out of a thousand names came “Vistoso,” a Spanish word that means gorgeous, but suggests “something that catches your eye.” Perfect.

    Their fierce dedication to their music taught them that maturity is something you earn through self-respect, not age. It’s with that idea that the girls started another vital part of the Vistoso world—the Ultimate Young Lady sorority. The girls' MySpace page is a home base for Vistoso Bosses, but it's also the online home of the U.Y.L. Each week Kelci and Taylah select one young lady who embodies the U.Y.L. spirit. They modeled U.Y.L. on their own friendship—Kelci and Taylah are very independent (for the record: Taylah’s more girly, Kelci’s got more attitude) but they're still fiercely loyal to each other. Every girl in U.Y.L. finds that same independence within herself.

    The U.Y.L. sprang from a real experience. “I was going through a situation with one of my best friends and all of these other girls,” Taylah says. “Teenage girls always have drama—they can't really get along together, lying to each other, backstabbing and always trying to compete. So I decided to write about it.” Her words became the lyrics for “U.Y.L” and the motto for the Ultimate Young Lady sorority—”No faking, no hating, no ex-boyfriend dating. Ultimate young ladies don't compete because there's no competition.” Their message is simple: when you are confident with who you are, comparing yourself to others just seems silly.

    U.Y.L. is just one story on their upcoming Collipark Music/Interscope Records debut, Confetti. Their first single,"Delirious" ft. Soulja Boy Tellem’, shows the girls confident and ready to approach their crush, though their "heart skips a beat" and the song's syncopated rhythm ticks with nervous energy.

    The rest of Confetti is full of tough beats paired with pretty melodies. It’s a little Miami bass and freestyle, a little California pop punk, and a little Atlanta hip-hop. No surprise that Vistoso Bosses "listen to everything," according to Kelci, from the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Lily Allen to Beyonce and Soulja Boy. It's also no surprise that there’s no easy way to describe their sound—except for “vistoso,” of course.

    "U.L.Y." and "Delirious" are inspired by the girls’ past, but ”Supastar” is all about the future. Like "U.Y.L.," “Supastar” inspires others to trust themselves and their talent. “It really describes us and the way I felt like going up,” says Taylah. “It's talking about how nobody understood you and what you're trying to do and now you've got to break free and let it go.” It's the perfect summer pop song, the kind of track you’ll sing along with in the car. Along those same lines, “Camera” is a heartfelt ballad about holding on someone you care about, even if it means only holding on to a memory.

    In addition to their music, Vistoso Bosses communicate with their fans directly through MySpace and YouTube videos, where viewers become part of Vistoso Bosses' glamorous (magazine photo shoots) and not-so-glamorous (finding a table at lunch) lives. This is where Taylah and Kelci really connect with their fans. Both girls leave their AIM accounts open whenever they can so they can chat 1-on-1 with their fans. Of course lots of Vistoso Bosses' male fans have asked for their numbers too. But like they say in "U.Y.L," it's strictly "friends before dudes." "We definitely love the guys," says Kelci. "But this is what we want, our dream, so we have to work." And that's so, so vistoso.

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