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Everything posted by theonecompton

  1. every1 wants to do a collab these days to boost sales... this , to me, is just a collab for the sake of it, not really feelin it. have heard so many mo better tracks from the both of them
  2. feelin this alot.... different style for jay z, but i think thats a good thing......
  3. another new kid on the block from the colly camp! very impresssive starter - lets see what else he comes up with... i think its quite good, with the right crowd.... heavyweight beat still..!!
  4. ...would be good to see the video... sex sells so they say... lol could seriously go either way, but still worth a play or two.... (where's treysongz to flip the version..?) lol
  5. strong track, if they ever get full clearance (or whatever), could be a hit and do the rounds....... sammie is progressing thru the ranks quite well too.....
  6. have always appreciated the swag that treysongz pulls off. he should be higher in the game than he is.... have heard him on better trax tho. and just cos its got lil wayne on it don't make it a sure fire hit... sorry....
  7. heavyweight selection - another busta banga..... this is gonna go far... good combi wit TI and RDV.. thanks
  8. sorry, but to me, its just 'ok'... doesn't seem to progress anywhere... still worth a radio spin but cant see the club makin noise on this one....
  9. strong club track - gonna blow hard...! th - th - thanks....!!
  10. ''kinda different from the rest'' - very true.. female vocal could be better, but on the whole not too bad..!! 7/10
  11. ...quality r nb from j blue - drops weight. definately playing this one.... thanks
  12. heavywieght killa..... this is gonna be HUGE....!!!!!
  13. smooth silk, but works very well... this is gonna be a hot one....!! thanks
  14. this is ok actually... think it will take the video to sell it though... thanks
  15. this is cool, fuuny - will lift a dancefloor - is there a dance to it too....?? lol yeah this will blow if pushed properly i think...
  16. heavt track methinks... about time too. this is the sort of track that should have made the official album....
  17. for me, the robin thicke remix is cool... good choice of sample. when i listened to the others, the were ok, but i just think you need to widen yr sound library a lil bit - they all sound a lil too familiar with the same sounds used. don't give up though, the skills are definately there.. peace
  18. yeah - i used to play the original from way back - was passed this remix a coupla weeks back, but had stupid drops all over it. thanks for the clean version... its now getting national play - fingers crossed it works for TC 2nd time around...
  19. production is kinda hot, vocals a lil pitchy in places. but you do got a good voice...! harmonies need to be a lil bit tighter too ( in my mind). still worth a spin on radio tho....
  20. good choice of sample... definately big things for this one....
  21. ...i thought this was called 'beep beep'....? heavy track all the same
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