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    Detroit, MI
  • Interests
    Making Money
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  • Biography
    Cré is an inspiring hip-hop rap artist from Detroit,Mi who is currently incarcerated serving time in a maximum security prison, for homicide committed in self-defense; does all recordings and collaborations over phone.
  • Interests
    Make Money

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  1. Yeah; sure can. Yo, I use to live in the CSRA area for 2 yrs. before I got locked-up. I used to cut hair off of Fort Gordon Hwy. At 'Top Cutz' in South Gate Plaza. Knew Kidd Joe at power 107 & Tropicana at Foxy 103 personally, they use to come to my Barbershop and hangout with my boss-man Thomas. If u know dem tell 'em C' said what's up. I'm going to post dat file. I have alot of material, but limited resources; if u read my profile u Know I'm locked-up and do all my own recording on a cellphone. So, the mix & mastering and all ain't what it should be. But, the beats I bought from producers so, I have unlimited rights to all my music. So, feel free to use dem how u want. Sorry; for some reason it won't let me send you the file; I'm going to try to figure it out and get it to you soon as I can ?
  2. https://youtube.com/channel/UCrUJlxLS-YKq7bV3NGkKqjg
  3. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrUJlxUCrUJlxLS-YKq7bV3NGkKqjg Fresh Shit ?
  4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrUJlxUCrUJlxLS-YKq7bV3NGkKqjg
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