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    Born in Sacramento, California went to Jesuit High School, got suspended indefinitely for 10 days senior year with 2 months left until graduation. I was suspended awaiting my principal’s decision to kick me out or let me stay. I originally got in trouble because they caught my phone which had messages of taking dabs before volleyball games. Then I went to Oakmont High school for 2 days, found out they didn’t have the right classes for me to graduate, and then graduated from Granite Bay High School who had 40 people going to the college I had been accepted into regardless. I enjoy playing volleyball, playing piano, living life, going to the beach, making music, and pushing art forward. I just turned 20 years old on December 31, 2016 and I’m currently a sophomore at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

    How I got into music: Played piano for 7 years, then got into writing poetry. Then I turned my poems into freestyling/cyphering with my friends. From there I made some songs on garage band for fun. My first performance was a song me and my homies rapped at their Senior Ball. Then freshman year of Cal Poly I became a lot more serious about music. I picked up Ableton from my best friend Rohan who happened to live next door. I fell in love with the challenging process of putting together a track that was original. I just performed my first live set for 40 minutes with my roommate Rohan at San Luis Obispo’s famous donut shop Slo Donut Company. Moreover I have performed in front of 200+ people in Chumash Auditorium at Cal Poly for an event called Operation Hip Hop. That was my first time working with a professional artist who were @knomads. Recently I opened up for Ugly God at The Graduate in San Luis with over 500 people attending. On April 22nd, 201 I performed for the second time at Slo Donut Company with 50+ people. My debut mixtape is called “Medici Mindset.” It is a very complex conceptual tape that is inspired by the renaissance period where the Medici flourished in Florence, Italy. The “Medici Mindset” is my inspiration from that family and how they operated with their funds. They commissioned great artists and architects such as Michelangelo, Leonardo de Vinci, Brunelleschi, Donatello, etc. They used money as a medium of exchange to push art forward, which is the mindset I got inspired by. Also, the way they ran their oligarchy, they were connected with noble families in society, which helped them throughout their reign. The tape highlights my three main priorities in life in order from God, family (the people), money. In that order where God is my highest and family is very important with the people in this world being a subset of that, because they make up our world. Finally, money is the last priority of mine. But don’t get it twisted, just like the Medici money is important to me, I mean the Medici were a bank and by all means got the paper. However what you do with the money is what’s most important. I want to use it as a means to push art forward. I want to be successful and make money, but at the same time understand that art and philanthropy will never die but a piece of paper can be burned easily.

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