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LB Dat Protein

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About LB Dat Protein

  • Birthday August 13

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  • Biography
    I am a music producer/artist out of Queens.Currently I'm with an independent label Inc."YaHeard Entertainment".With an arsonal of scorching hot instramentels I've created my own songs with label mates and artst (Born Defiant,Blacka Dan,Indio the mastic, and Pierre)just to name a few.In the near future i plan to have my own fan base that relate or just enjoy listening to my music.Very crafty with my art,I gear to show you many sides of LBDat.Embellishing your mind with non-fiction,fiction,humor etc.Giving you versatility.So sit back and enbrace the creativity of LBDat.

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Newbie (1/14)

About Me

I am a music producer/artist out of Queens.In the near future i plan to have my own fan base that relate or just enjoy my music..

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