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Kid Jupiter

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Everything posted by Kid Jupiter

  1. Just got hard asf https://t.co/TQAhf3PkqT

  2. https://t.co/pxITXxAKNT

  3. Walk up to a beautiful girl, never get rejectedMy girl on the pill, so i aint gotta use protection#KJ #HitStar

  4. ***Follow me on twitter @KidJupiter15 /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">

  5. Good morning to all my haters on twitter!!! Much love here brah!!! Keep my buzz alive while im chilling making music in the studio#MulaGang

  6. Damn http://t.co/UmlyTiyIZ1

  7. That moment when the conversation gets boring...... -.-

  8. Whats a popular acoustic song i can learn for guitar!

  9. I dont like thirsty girls, they be drinking all of the Kool Aid!! xD

  10. Life is HARD, but only a bitch throws in the towel!!! A CHAMPION never quits..... A CHAMPION OVERCOMES #K.J

  11. Nobody getting a message from me... If you wanna talk send me a message!!! Tired of sending the first message everyday -.-

  12. I have your girl so wet, and we just messaging ;) haha

  13. These feelings im having cant be healthyLooking forward to the days when im happy and wealthy

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