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Everything posted by @stackpayper

  1. Too all the #newartist following me letz wrk #hmu anytime!! I'm hungry are u?? Hope y'all enjoy my #music #pressplay #loveyall

  2. https://t.co/e2CmusNdub

  3. all a man has is his #ballz and hiz #word!! #word

  4. RT @Cappadonna: “A man cannot do good before he is made good.”-ML #Growth

  5. sure would b nice ta have a walton fam.. reunion, pearson fam.. reunion, lipford fam reunion wtf!!

  6. RT @nfl: 3 weeks from right now... we'll all be watching football. #NFLpreseason #MIAvsDAL

  7. new track own my own www.reverbnation.com/payperman check me out!!

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