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Everything posted by juz.now

  1. RT @Hansisaproblem: @SUNNYBLINGG and friends show on @Boomchampionstt with @Kevlinx14 we want to find out about scams. People and acts...

  2. Good good great point that caller has!!!! @Boomchampionstt @djjohny941

  3. RT @tv6tnt: Rowley, at San Juan meeting, on e-mail file: Where there's smoke there's fire

  4. RT @GazaDivaKim: Blessed rise 2 all ђ‎​ά̲νξ a great day muah

  5. RT @SUCKMYCLITXXX69: I miss the Wu Tang Clan.

  6. RT @tv6tnt: ICYMI: Police arrest an Arima man after finding powerful explosives and detonators at his home

  7. RT @tv6tnt: Thrift Shop wins Top Rap song at Billboard Awards in Las Vegas

  8. I put $100 on my Digicel blackberry phone.. The bb social plan is $80.. I checking my money an I'm seeing $8.. Hmmm Bmobile for life Yesss.

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