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Mehakvelli King

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I gained a huge amount of respect for the people of Atlanta today. The generosity and care people had for each other was amazing. Now the people in leadership, from the Mayor to the schools, not so much. All kinds on inept. The huge difference between a real leader and a figurehead

  2. If you notice someone in your life is envious of what you got or do and in Rico from Belly type way. Cut them out immediately!

  3. Cracked my phone screen #firstworldproblems

  4. Helping my day 1 homie Erin James celebrate her birthday.....weeks later. Im frying her chicken. Like a bawse

  5. All these rules on who can say the word nigger and who can't and how spelling it different changes the word is why all this bs is going on with the Miami Dolphins! The players consider Incognito Black too...aight b

  6. Today's sermon was everything real!

  7. 2 job offers and possible writing gig! This has been that day

  8. You reap what sow! If your honest about what you sow, then you're not shocked at what you reap.

  9. And stays championship city!!! Good job Sox! #BeardGang

  10. Junkyard Dog was a member of Groove Phi Groove. Real talk lol

  11. This TLC movie was way better than I thought it was going to be

  12. "Remember the time, but remember it walking away"

  13. I live to listen to Kennedy explain things lol This is what I came for

  14. On the phone with my mama. I'm so proud of her! I can't even explain, but I'm very proud of her right this moment. Very much so

  15. Nothing wrong with the aim, just had to change my target

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