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Everything posted by DjChone

  1. Gas for $2.97? Im finna empty my full tank and fill up.

  2. To the city of Syrup I go...

  3. Sleep is for the birds...

  4. The order has been placed. *hits lean wit it rock wit to canadian salsa music*

  5. God is too good. I wish I could repay him.

  6. That was an accidental retweet.

  7. She really is fine. She know it too.

  8. I always fall asleep when I get in my bed...

  9. I need an allen wrench...

  10. Hannah Montana Hannah Montana *Future voice*

  11. Tony Montana Tony Montana *grabs choppa out the trunk*

  12. Good Morning. Thank God for peace of mind.

  13. Both of yall text. I got you. RT @marci_projects: RT @Codibanks: @Chonas_Brothers I want a DJ Chone shirt

  14. Dj Chone wiide up bitch, Swag it out now drop it...

  15. Good morning naive people. Let God have his way so that you can understand yours.

  16. Haha shardia is funny.

  17. Jamming this Al Green station on Pandora. #swag

  18. RT @PINKYnBrains My on campus job may not pay much, but I sure do get alot of HWork done in my 3 hours

  19. Them pancakes were hitting. Im good.

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