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Status Updates posted by IAmDJKD

  1. i finally convinced Jimmy to get a twitter @jtalib83

  2. It go hard anyways but we finally get more coverage

  3. I hate when I see Aunt Hellen she always pulls my @EAR_JORDAN #UseaATwitterNameInASentence

  4. I fucks with Rhianna new album

  5. Jamming @DanielHless.. new single... I got It feat. PnC

  6. Berlin really 90 days wow

  7. i will never short stroke like the TSU sextape

  8. If we was married id be sleeping on the couch tonight lol

  9. Bitch you HIT positive

  10. Watch who you RT !!! Don't wanna get me started

  11. “@mzmodelface: Social networks is breaking up unhappy relationship ...lol”

  12. “@wanted_5: i may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it”

  13. bout to revamp my Ipad music order to save my mood swings.... #TakeCare

  14. What songs should go on my 11-11-11 mixtape

  15. Life after college is a lot to think about... Where you gone live, who you gone be with

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