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Status Updates posted by HR_Paperstaxx

  1. Can we has new music nao? RT @DonaldGlover The new album is called "Camp": www.iamdonald.com

  2. Chillin tonight......#gametime tomorrow tho

  3. Chris Collinsworth.....#sftu

  4. Damn south park fell off.....

  5. Damn....#Wreckonize destroys this "Good Fucking Night" beat

  6. Damn...Amy Adams looking right

  7. Damn...I just slept for 12 hours...TF brah?!

  8. Disappointed K.R.I.T. doesn't spit on 'I'm Flexin'.....but other than that, that shit GOES

  9. Don't sleep on that Neako tape!

  10. Drake makes good music.

  11. Espn was as football thirsty as the rest of us it seems

  12. Even though the weather has been extra-shitty...we've had a damn good week of practice so far

  13. Fractions can suck mah bawls

  14. Fred Jackson goin to the Pro Bowl

  15. Fuck....now I'm kinda sad

  16. Fuck....what to do till 8:00

  17. Gonna skate to one song and one song only

  18. Good, been waitin for a minute....that shit shall be on heavy rotation “@FKi1stDown @HR_Paperstaxx week or so...”

  19. Got me breathin with dragons...

  20. Gotta stay focused *CuDi voice*

  21. Haaa “@B_ryDope Fat girls wearing strapless bikinis and thong bottoms singing #ImSexyAndIKnowIt (n) *slaps thigh, laughing*”

  22. Happy bday to the brother, the family, @theIIalan

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