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Everything posted by freahus

  1. were born ia his own house, conquered and that thoe oilier }dngs, who came with him, were his deputies in tjbe several cities and countries whene they reigned Put yet as mighty an empire as he had,and as gnept agL army at he now me with into the land where Abraham wm yet Abraham, only with his trained servants, that were born ia his own house, conquered, subdued? mm} baffled this Tory Burch Flats mighty emperor, and the kiqgs that cme with him, tad f|l their army. This he received of God as a pledge of what he had promifed,, viz. thfe victory tht Christ his seed shook! obtain over th na tions of the erth, whereby he should possess the gates pf Ms. enemies. It is plainly spoken of as such in the st of Isaiah. Jo tjat chapter foretold the future glorious victory the church shall obtain ?ver the nations of fhe world; as you may see in the st, th, and th verses, &c. But here this victory of Abraham over such a gre&t emperor and his mightjr forces, is spoken of as a pledge and earnest of this victory of the church, as you may see iq the d and d verses. " .Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to hi? {pot, gave the nations before hipi, and made him rule over kings ? He gave tjiejn s the dust to his sword, fnd as driven stubbjp to his bow. Ife pursued hem, and passed safely ; even by the way that he Tory Burch Outlet had not gene yvtth his feet."Another Remarkable confirm&tiQji Abrtpi received of the covenant of grace, was when he rjptyrned from the sjaughter of the kings ; when Mekhisedep the kpg of alem, the priest pfthe most high fJfld, thajt gret type of Christ, met him, and blessed blip, and brought forth bread and wipe. The bread jind wine signified the same blessings qf the covenant of grf.ee, that the bred nd wine does in the sacrament of the ford's supper. So that as Abraham had a sea of the poypHant in circuncjsioo that was ecjujyaknt to bipisjjf so now he hadseal pf it equivalent to the lord's supper. Ajd Melchiscdpc's commg to pfeegt him with such a n#p.l n?f thcovenanterace on tne occasion ot tins victory ot nis over the kings of the north, confirms that that victory was a pledge of God's fulfilment of the same covenant;
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