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Lawrence Chang

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Everything posted by Lawrence Chang

  1. i was there too till another producer told me the same thing i said haha so dont worry we are all in the same boat
  2. Law Deus - Take over Racks on Racks(with Hype) http://www26.zippyshare.com/v/79698889/file.html <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dxtY64CavRs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. Hey guys i just wanted to add on the whole acapella deal. there are a lot of people asking how to do this, i have used various programs to make my DIY Acs but the best one i have use and will continue to use is Adobe - Audition. if you have taking highschool physics with sounds and waves you will understand much much more how this works but its not important. here is a vid for you all that want to try it out. http://youtu.be/a8rIfWlaOqU I am a dj/producer running under DJ Law or Law Deus and i hope i have been some help
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