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201. the people

The Jews had books written by wise men called prophets; the people wanted to read these books they had a law which God gave them to obey; they wanted to read that also; so instead of having the taw and prophets, which are a part of the Bible that we use printed, as we now have them; they had them written, and instead of printers, as we have, they had scribe, to write the " law aftd tory burch shoes prophets," for the people torad .In the twentyfifth chapter of St. Matthew is a Parable called the Ten Virgin.Ten virgins went out to meet a man who was to be married. Five of these virgins were wise, and tory burch flats five were foolish. It was evening, and they wanted lamps to light them on the way.The wise virgins knew that they might.be kept waiting to a late hour; they could not tell how long, so they took lamps filled with oil, and they took some other oil besides, that if the oil in the lamps burned out, they might have more oil to use. 'The careless foolish virgins, thought not at all about the time they might be obliged to wit; they only took oil in their lamps. Iey were obliged to wait a long time for the bridegroom ; he did not come; and these thoughtless young women, all fell asleep. At midnight they were awaked; some one came to tell them, that the bridegroom was coming, and that they must go out to meet him.At this moment, they all discovered that their lights were going out. .The foolish virgins had no ofi for their lamps; they begged some of the wise virgins j they had none to spare; they wanted what they had for their own lamps, but they advised the foolish virgins to buy some oil.The foolish virgins went out to buy oil, but they could find none. People do not sell in thq night. They were gone so long upon their foolish errand, that the bridegroom came, and the virgins who were prepared to receive him, went into the house with him to the wedding.The door was then shut fast, and when the foolish virgins teturned, and knocked, the people in the house did not know tory burch sale their voices; for they said, " Open to us," but they wre shut out.This story was told to sliow that people who would avoid niuph inconvenience, and mortification, must provide for th future.Parables A parable tory burch outlet is sometimes called a comparison;it shows one thing, or circumstance, to Resemble some other.Virginsunmarried womenbridegrooma man who is just going to be married, or who has lately been married.

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