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The story

The story is nearly as follows: A man was idkr ing a journey from Jerusalem to Jericho, a city at some distance from Jerusalem. On his way, the man was overtaken by some thieves, who stripped off his clothes, and hurt him very much; so that when they went away, he was almost dead. Soon after the thieves MBT Shoes Sale were gone, a man who was a priest, that is, a minister, as we call them came by; he saw the poor man, but he went oa the other side tory burch outlet of the way, and did not offer to help him.Soon after the priest went by, another priest, called a Levite, came that way; bat he also passed along, and did not relieve the wounded man. Tb next person who came along, was MBT Shoes a Samaritan; he itopped, for he felt pity for the man, and bemad up his. wounds, and gave him wine, to make hhn feel better, and put oil on his bruises, and set him on his horse, and carried him to an inn, where he took care of him.The next day, the Samaritan weut away; but he told the man who kept the inn, that he would pay him for his care of the sick man, besides paying him money then, for what he had done.When Jesus Christ had shown this Jew, how kind and good the Samaritan was, he asked him, " Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour to him who fell among the thieves ?"The man answered, " I think he that showed mercy to the man, was his neighbour."Then Jesus said to the man who had asked him, what he should do, " Go thou, and do likewise." Go, and do like this Samaritan; do tory burch shoes alHhou canst to relieve people MBT Trainers in distress, and to make others happy.The Bible is divided into the Old Testament, and the MBT New Testament, Testament means wilt These Testaments contain God's wilL What God chooses his creatures should do. The first part of the Bible is called the Old Testament, because it was written first. The New Testament is called new, because it was written last. The Bible was written by different tory burch flats people, at different times.The Old Testament was written in the Hebrew language. tory burch sale It is the history of the people once called Hebrews; they have since been called Jews.The New Testament was mostly written in the Greek language.

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