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“I started out from nothing. I had no money, no education and nothing to show for, but that cannot stop someone from pursuing a goal, or fulfilling a dream.

I never got decent grades in public school and had many types of learning disorders and difficulties. I was a trouble maker getting arrested regularly. I used to wake up every morning depressed and looking in the mirror telling myself I was a loser. I had many issues in life that I had a lot of troubles dealing with. When I was in elementary, I was in the special ed class.

It doesn’t take much to get up and running from zero to hero, it starts with a little bit every day. You cannot work out for 24 hours expecting to be a body builder in 24 hours. Life is about small, consistent changes every day. If you exercise for 10 minutes a day, in a month, you will see clear and visible results. You cannot become Donald Trump over night, but keep investing small, inevitably you will find yourself next to the greatest investors. You cannot go to jail for life for stealing candy, but start stealing a 10 cent bar today, eventually you will be in prison for stealing a 10k car.

I started my ventures when I was a teenager. People and friends looked down upon me because I was trying to pursue something bigger than most can imagine, but little do they know, big things always start small. And they will laugh because it is unusual and out of the ordinary, simple as that. People will always bash the unknown territories that others go into, but little do they know also that only the greatest of the great will venture into those places of uncertainty, risk and danger. The majority will stay in the “safe zone” or “comfort zone” therefore they will always be mediocre. The majority values security and comfort, therefor that is what they will get. If you plan on being mediocre, follow them. If you plan on being great, you must be willing to take criticism, take risks, not to think with emotions, and never look back. It’s about taking your life in your own hands.

When I started my first successful business, my friends thought I was crazy, and I probably was. I hit rock bottom, had no money and no job. I just got up one day and make a decision to attempt to pursue my dream. In the past, I had a tutoring business and a car sales business which both of them had failed, and I had lost money in all my previous ventures by age 19. During the time of building my business, I had to work low end jobs; moving furniture, warehouse jobs, and at the local nursery. I got fired at all of them because I just had no damn passion for what I was doing, I hated it; and subconsciously I wanted to get fired. I used to work for a whole day for sixty dollars. I never in my life had a job where I got to sit down and had my own cubicle, that was a dream come true. I never had a job where I would use my brain instead of my hands. I didn’t want to go down that path.

I started from working with fellow students to working with the biggest celebrities and executives in today’s entertainment world. I have almost worked with everyone. I have been able to do well by myself with my own companies for over eight years now. My last album was distributed and marketed independently and it did absolutely wonderful on the charts, and I was able to donate the proceeds to charity. I was able to do all of that within two years. And anyone can do the same. You must be willing to make your dreams a reality, you must be willing to TRY. You only have one life to live and you might as well live it the way you want, and never regret a single thing. Remember that small actions daily will lead to big results weekly, that is one of the biggest philosophies. I know if I can do it, anyone can, it starts by doing one thing today, and making one small decision.

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Download Big Will Anything You Like (Clean) Green Hitz com mp3

Contact: (818) 471-0677 / bigwillwws@gmail.com

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