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Imagine a young black male bouncing from hood to hood , city to city.  Being influenced by all types of people.  In a household where it's him , his mother and two sisters.  He started to develop a love for writing rhymes and basketball.  Basically another way of interacting with other black males and building a desire for competition.  At the age of 12 he wrote his first rap song.  From that point on it became somewhat of an addiction to display what life has offered this young black scholar. While in middle school he summited one of his poems to the school newspaper.  It ended up being published.  The small notice he recieved in school , had people speaking to him at times he thought no one notice.  Though it took years for him to notice.  He eventually begin to realize that this is what he wanted to do with his life.  Time past and his writings begin to grow.  The year is now 1998 , he finally got to the point where he felt it was time to put his plan of getting his music to the masses , into progress.  He recorded a single demo titled Fast Life.  It was produce by a guy he went to school with by the name Freddie K.  Slowly learning the game.  He decided it was a good idea to take the single to the streets.  Selling  the music wasn't the problem.  But not being able to get it into the right hands to move more music cost effectively was.  Near the end of that year he sighed a 1year contract with a  small label by the titled 100kings.  This is where he learned that there is talent out there.  But just not the right people promoting it. After his contract was up with the label he begin to put his own cd together in hopes of being discovered.  I took four years!  He was finally finished , it was titled Weak Inns.  Just like the single he previously push years ahead.  He took this one to the streets selling 5,000 copys.  He felt it didn't make any noise so he packed up his bags and moved up north to Milwaukee , WI.  One of the cities he spent some time in growing up.  He was there for two months when he got a call to come home  (Saint Louis , MO.).  It turned out his mother husband had past on a cd to an A&R by the name Brad from Virgin Records.  The a&r thought it had potientual and wanted to sit down with this artist.  The sit down happen but paper work was never discussed.  Which mad this artist entremely uncomfortable, causing him to loss ties with this person.  This did not discourage him , he decided he will continue to do music.  He felt" it was just not my time".  By winter 2006 he open up for the (Demetris Johnson Charitable Foundation) Christmas Program. A little time after that he begin doing research on a company was interested in sending some music to.  They approve his submission , but only chose one song off the album Weak Inns. By spring  2007 the song titled Walk Like Me was placed on a show titled Lie To Me episode110 on Fox.   The company approved it.  Contact begin to put a new album together titled That Plug.  By spring 2008 he begins to push that album. That same year , September 28 he performed at Ferguson Street Fest.  He was one of four to perform that week end. He moved 2,000 copies of(That Plug) that year. He did numerious shows to promote it.  But only 100 that night.  But the one that was most momeriable to him, is when he rented out the Club Escalade September 4, 2010.  Over 250 people show up.  Making that night worth his while.  He is currently still putting music together.  He has his own website(www.stlcontact.com) and is getting radio spins at the local college stations.  Just recently January 18, 2013 , his song Walk Like Me was placed on a show titled Banshee episode 102 on Cinemax.  Contact now runs a label by the title of Money Up Records LLC (Saint Louis, MO.).   The label has four artist that are trying to create a street buz before putting something out there.  And he is always looking for ways to connect!

Follow @stlcontact on twitter!



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