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About skratch

  • Birthday 12/02/1976

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. skratch

    Acapella loop

    Thanx for this one!!
  2. I just wanted to say thanks for posting all of this and the ability to stream it, old school shit makes my day!! I will def have to download a few of these too. Thanx Bro!!
  3. Can't get enough of Everlasting Bass!!!!!!!!!
  4. Preciate this, can't have too many scratch samples!!
  5. benwhite76@yahoo.com Thanx alot!!!!
  6. Yes Sir!!! Thanks fo dis one!
  7. Do you have this? it is a battle/ break record, and I would love to have it on digital if you have it, or know where to get it!! Thanks Bro
  8. Thanks on this one, a few I haven't heard yet!!!
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