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About billyjonesbluez

  • Birthday 11/21/1963

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  • Biography
    The Billy Jones Story
    ...the times and travels of an american bluesman.

    Hello GreenHits.com friends,
    I am proud to present to you for your consideration, my latest musical effort.
    This cd is a compilation of 15 of my favorite songs. There are both live
    performances and studio recordings on this cd.
    The stories that I tell on this album are true, and I like to think of
    this project as a "from the streets" report on present-day life in the
    inner city. The subject matter ranges from romantic intricacies to drug
    It is my hope to say something that is relevant to the contemporary
    urban audience, and to re-introduce the young listener to the music of
    our heritage in a format that they can appreciate. ...it's the story of
    my life.
    This is my vision of "blues" for the 21st century. ...I hope that you
    will enjoy it! ...it has been a labor of love.


    The Urbanization of Delta Blues

    "what really got to me were the lyrics. ...it is “blues” transformed, updated and urbanized."

    Taking Blues to New Places with R&B, Soul, and Urban Style :
    "Exquisite Modern and Traditional Blues and Neo-Soul by one of the most talented artists on the contemporary scene.
    Billy Jones is a totally charismatic veteran who shows all the signs of becoming as big or bigger than Buddy Guy. This young man has enormous talents."
    "One of the very Best Authentic Modern Blues and Soul albums in recent memory."

    booking info: billyjonesbluez@aol.com

    ...gangsta bluez from the ghetto. ...gangsta bluez for the ghetto :
    "Billy Jones is one of the ‘good guys’. He is interested in advancing and extending ‘Great Soul Music' from the Ancient to the Future’ and making sure that it is available for future generations. As such he is one of my personal musical heroes.
    We don’t have enough artists like him and hopefully he is going to inspire others.
    Updating the blues for the 21st century is not an easy matter... Billy Jones has managed it.
    Think Bobby Womack with Curtis Mayfield's social conscience and you are getting close.
    Perhaps the most important thing to note is that his sound is more acceptable to modern ears and maybe that will get more people to listen to his message.
    Jones has a voice that will enchant you. This is a fine, soulful album.
    It's a first person rumination about "growing up in the ghetto" that packs a poignant wallop. The message is deep and heartfelt... lyrically-inspired."

    "Billy Jones brings back the Thrill that once belonged to Hendrix & Stevie Ray.
    ...A refreshing blast of the really great sound of Healing Blues, Jazz, Funk Music. Loaded with Rich Blues Tradition B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Even Johnny Winter Flavors. I'd recommend this to any avid blues listener and I look forward to hearing more from the reclusive Billy Jones."

    The Incredible Resurrection, Metamorphosis and Re-invention of Blues and Soul Music :
    "No one who I can think of has taken a truly contemporary look at traditional blues with the musical and lyrical intensity of Billy Jones.
    This guy is the real deal and this is a great CD!"

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oWMVvlG64U ...video
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raoYbdFUdrg ...video

    Hi Billy,
    This NEW magazine interview is in French!
  • Interests

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. ...bluez from the ghetto ...bluez for the ghetto : "Billy Jones is one of the
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