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About theonecompton

  • Birthday 04/21/1971

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  1. funny as hell.... lets see who else does what...
  2. not bad....but still lacking that x factor - maybe needs a stronger topline chorus hook with additional riffs throughout the verses..... should also consider an uptempo mix too maybe.....??? but thats just my own opinion one.compton@gmail.com
  3. nice welcome return for olivia...i assume its the same olivia (ex) from 50's camp...?
  4. yeah....not the world's greatest track...was honestly expecting something a little hotter from brandy, but should still do her justice after the last album.... still dont know why so many people are creating such a hype over this track re alenandra burke tho.....
  5. didn't think i would have felt this...but it does actually work.... if you like black eyed peas, lady gaga, etc - then you may like this one..... lets just say, its definately gonna chart high whether you love it or hate it....hahaha, but thanks all the same
  6. this is on an EXTRA level, guaranteed floor filler. this WILL definately work, shows the brand new side to Donell which 'should' give him the props of his current younger peers... thanks
  7. heavy HEAVY track sir...thanks!! will be playing this tonite.... kinda following the same chris brown vybe with the twitter thing, but hey, it still works...
  8. liked the original...love the remix...this is tight as hell...!! wicked...thanks
  9. thanks for the service pack.. hot track man!
  10. its ok for the ladies... good songwriter for days... but he stole my line... cos I invented sex...!! jokes peoples...
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