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Everything posted by CountryBunkin1

  1. I dig tha record.... Nice Groove... Tha Ladies will appreciate it....
  2. Oh, Yea HOT TRACK..... I need Some Promos for Texas Market..... May can help get some shows booked.... CB1,
  3. This is perfect for that Summer 10' riding thru the car wash bangin..... You done Yo thang HurraSeason..... The Street Gone Love It... CB1,
  4. Well you know how The Drake do..... HOT.... CB1,
  5. That N.O. flavor I'm digging it'.....
  6. Go Head Lyfe Do Yo Thang Bro..... HOT TRACK... CB1,
  7. MANNNNNNN..... Stupid Track, Stupid Flows, you know DJ Khaled gone come with HEAT Er' Time....
  8. Nice Record...Kind of Catchy, I do think the girls will Love it Good Look, CB1
  9. This is a New HOT Dance Track originated out of Houston, Tx. The Track gotta lot style, flava, and good lyrics. Gimme some feed back PLEASE....
  10. This song has a nice groove to it. I couldn't help but to bob my head to it so I'll say it's a GO....
  11. I'm trying to get this Houston DJ's on it but no one I know has bit on it yet. I know it's a HIT RECORD from the response I've been getting on the original version....
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