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About 123djdrop

  • Birthday 05/06/1974

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  1. its allrite, the usual yung deal - but you cant go wrong playin it steve www,123djdrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  2. Nice jam - this is a club banger! steve www,123DJDrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  3. this is a club banger!!! SHOUT OUTS ALL THE WAY!!!! steve www,123djdrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  4. mixed up very nice steve www,123djdrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  5. LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!! steve www,123djdrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  6. i agree, it did take a couple spins - but its different in a good way steve www,123djdrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  7. CHA-CHING - nice job. They should play this as in intro for politicians steve www,123djdrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  8. this is hottttttttt - twista is on fire steve www,123djdrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  9. this is very sweet for all the quiet storm shows - ladies will love grindin to this steve www,123djdrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  10. this will be a spring time smash steve www,123djdrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  11. nice mix - thank u. steve www,123djdrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  12. its lot of up n down action - but after the third time, its growing on me steve www,123djdrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  13. this has a nice feel to it - steve www,123djdrop.com DJ, Radio, Mixtape Drops and Voiceovers
  14. very smooth - i love this - ladies are gonna go wild over this steve www,123djdrop.com DJ,Mixtape,Radio and Voiceover Drops
  15. nice flow to this - lol i'm bouncin my head as im listenin! i like this ALOT!!!!! Produced very well, i love the way it breaks up with various beat drop and voice only for a split second. Steve www,123DJDrop.com
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