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Everything posted by Raziel1

  1. I have a couple oldschool gigs coming up and I'm in need of some good OLD SCHOOL (70s, 80s, 90s) RnB, funk, disco and rap hits. Its an older crowd ( 40+) and I wanna keep them dancing and reminiscing all night long. I appreciate all suggestions and if anyone already has a playlist pls hook me up!
  2. This is a complex question to address. There are the classic reggae anthems that appeal to the American crowd and then there are the classic reggae anthems that appeal to the Caribbean crowd. Selectajay has a good starter list that will work well with both groups
  3. Yo, This is a good ass list. I need the some of the same drops except I need them for "DJ RAZ" and I'm in ATLANTA. Someone please hit me up with a price and some previous samples of work. Thanks unitxproductions@yahoo.com
  4. thanks for the drop. Still bumpin this one
  5. This album is already shaping up to be one of the best this year!..this track is straight heat!
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