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  1. RT @BabyNastyy: no sleep

  2. My boy got all the bad nurses waiting on him hand and foot lol

  3. Sadly, that is very impossible

  4. RT @TsoHai: #ARTISTS! Perform at @Magiccityatl tomorrow: chance to win $250! http://t.co/aWxJdDMgYZ via @SHANODJOHNSON/@WhymenGrindin s/o @…

  5. RT @UrbanMediaHub: @SNOOPY_2xBEATS get your work on the #UrbanMediaHub Blog? Email urbanmediahub@gmail.com MUST INCLUDE a VIDEO, SOUNDCLOUD…

  6. my mama gon get a new house

  7. With a bubblegum machine ring!

  8. Your unrealistic ideas about a thrilling adventure may crash i... More for Sagittarius http://t.co/R8NW616i0D

  9. One thing i have gotten better at is controlling my anger, anger can lead to self-destruction

  10. It may not be perfect in terms of the real definition, but perfection, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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