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Michael Kre

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Michael Kre's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Statistiques d'aujourd'hui: 1 nouveaux followers via https://t.co/HHhXOt0TVT

  2. 1 tweep unfollowed (goodbye!) me in the past day. Thank you https://t.co/iv9k5obxkl.

  3. Today stats: No new followers, One unfollower via http://t.co/oe1U884wIm

  4. 2 new unfollowers and 1 new follower – secret no more. Who said daily stats were boring? Via http://t.co/LvXm5JGJgJ

  5. Un rebond rebontique (Mon cousin)

  6. I just found the 1 tweeps who unfollowed me and thanks to http://t.co/t2pm8Ii2jv I know who they are

  7. Age is just a number. So are unfollowers! 3 new unfollowers in the past day. Via http://t.co/LvXm5JGJgJ

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