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1D7H4R's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. RT @SoccerSt_: Another game, another goal. https://t.co/AyRm9xIzmy

  2. RT @ThisIsWawan: He taught me to never give up on our lives. ?? https://t.co/xCIZAFLRt3

  3. RT @farisxh: note2self: if it's meant to be, it will be. no point hoping and holding on

  4. RT @_skeptica: @1D7H4R ever heard of the phrase " there always a legend behind every position?" lol! ur time is up give others the oppurtun…

  5. i don't mind others being an asshole to anybody but, for fuck sake not my love ones or my own flesh & blood.

  6. RT @AzriJemain: Korang nak beraya or nak bergaya? Atau beraya sambil bergaya?

  7. "@hfznrmd: On my bed rn and thinking about life." time is ticking.

  8. never ending pallets & bag of flours // i'm gonna die soon

  9. RT @_skeptica: yay! valention rossi gua pass

  10. soundcloud.com/idzhar-eleazar

  11. find someone who never leaves

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