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    Well-known on Atlanta airwaves as one of Hot 107.9’s most prominent radio personalities, Beestroh is a talented producer/ D.J. whose career has skyrocketed in recent years. Even more remarkably, his story is one of a quintessential self-made man who has consistently refused to give in to adversity on the road to success in the entertainment business. A native of Holyoke, Mass., Beestroh is refreshingly candid about his early years where he recalls a period of inertia during which he almost made some permanant bad decisions, But the first inklings of the talents that would shape his future had already begun to surface, and these would someday change Beestroh’s course forever. A passion for rapping and natural affinity for producing led Beestroh and some local friends to form the group Dotcom. Dotcom disbanded before landing a record deal, but the experiences and contacts he had gained would prove almost as valuable. On trips to Atlanta, he had begun collaborating with Rob McDowell and Emperor Searcy, who would go on to become the co- founders of BME Recordings. Beestroh moved to Atlanta with promising leads, but his most important turning point was yet to come. In less than a year, he was back in Holyoke after running out of money. He would however not be defeated within three years he moved back to Atlanta to try his hand in the entertainment industry. Beestroh knew the path he chose would not be without sacrifice. He took work at a storage facility and got back in touch with Searcy, who was impressed by his talent. Yet Beestroh’s first real foot in the door – a chance at an internship at Hot 107.9 – nearly became a dead-end because of his lack of education. Undeterred, Beestroh, who never finished high school, enrolled in a local school and landed the internship. Beestroh’s knowledge and ability to self-teach wowed the executives at Hot 107.9, who sent him to Augusta, Ga., to test him for a career on-air. He proved that wherever he went, he took his drive to succeed with him. Just five years after moving away from Holyoke, he was on the air in Atlanta, where he is currently one of Hot 107.9’s top radio personalities. Beestroh has also become a powerful presence on the Atlanta entertainment scene, where he’s known as “The Franchise Player.” Now a father, he seeks to use his visibility to influence change in the community, particularly as a role model and mentor for those struggling with circumstances similar to his own youth. He is proof that positive life changes are possible, and his self- built career wasn’t launched by luck. Beestroh’s success is the product of steadfast determination and hard work, coupled with natural talent that has only just begun to make its mark on the entertainment industry.

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