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Killa T

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Interests
    Everything entertainment!
  • Occupation
    Record Label
  • Biography
    Born and raised in the inner city, i fell in love with music in grade school. My very first public perfomance was at the world famous Taft Theatre playing in the Cincinnati All-City Band. As the curtain rose and i looked out at the audience i realized music is my life. That was sixth grade. Since then i've been blessed to meet folks with same love of music i have. We are Navatni Entertainment. Get to know me and my family and join our journey as we rise as a new Cincinnati music powerhouse.

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  1. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO GET YOUR MUSIC PLAYED ON A WORLDWIDE WEBSITE!(besides the others.lol) navatnient513@gmail.comSend a pic and brief bio to be put in the artist spotlight. Ladies, send pics and brief bio to be model of the week, no nudity pls, sexy but classy! LET'S GO!!!!!

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