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Jey Wunder

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Jey Wunder's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. «@DraggingDAwagon I want my grandma to stop calling Chiptole fuckin taco bell.»

  2. Checkout my video youtube channel jwonder2324 JeyWunder3 Freestyle

  3. I love a funny real understanding adventurous woman...who ain't loud and jus descrete lol #Privacy from the #World

  4. chillen in bmore wit my cusns family long time i havent seen then in a minute

  5. Chillen wit my cusn

  6. Leaving bmore off to where ever now

  7. I pray to have a studio session 2moro in bmore and 2get some tracks done with the best...love u all who support me God bless and thankyou

  8. Wan2 record some where but don't hav a place to

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