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Junius Edward

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Junius Edward's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. “@ViewHipHopBlog http://t.co/8zgrmYZN - LOG ON EVERYDAY!”

  2. Merry Merry Happy Happy,New Year... May you make the most out of the time you have.

  3. “@djyoungdolla @JoellOrtiz & @JoeBudden Talk About Recording For New Slaughterhouse Album! | (cont) http://t.co/wX12DaOP

  4. “@1DRAMAj S/o to erybody who came to support me @ #timelounge last night!!! If you missed out (cont) http://t.co/BxN8dZny

  5. Stand Up for yourself... You can't help others if you're lying down.

  6. “@SLPM_PROPERTY Local Pizza Shop Owner Offers Delicious Incentives for Students Who Do Well in ...: http://t.co/Yr8wbIbo”

  7. “@AndyMilonakis Auctioning off one of my drawings. Bidding starts at $100. 100% of proceeds go to (cont) http://t.co/P64bUu87

  8. “@TrackwriterzStu Free Sample Master you Will Hear The Difference!! #Inquire #CD_Mastering

  9. Prepare yourself... The life you seek will test every faculty of you.

  10. Awesome, Madame... @OfficiallyHalle "Are you as bored as I am" read it backwards it still makes sense lol!”

  11. “@Stephluvs_MJJ 771383. Get more new visitors for your twitter profile. http://t.co/bCUcApxs”

  12. “@brentnhunter Are you "on the Rainbow Bridge?" http://t.co/YaYZO21o #occupywallstreet

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