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Status Updates posted by @EducatedVillian

  1. being perfect aint shit thats what Tyler Perry is trying to tell us

  2. a nigha following over 700 people..... i wanna unfollow some of you because imma never see some of your tweets

  3. patriots are going to lose

  4. to any rappers or singers send me your links i wanna hear your music. i know somebody fye

  5. done organizing my E-mails

  6. SUBMISSION @YoRapsMagazine: BloodHayes & MarkLove + If I Die 2Nite for http://t.co/Mkl7uuw5 #YoRaps

  7. BlackMarket Entertainment and we'll rock your city out just hit me up with some arrangements

  8. Always living your life good and clean will pay off

  9. im just gone and try again 2marra

  10. i love followers tell your mama too follow me

  11. im bout 2make a big announcement

  12. they say pussy and paper is poetry, power, and pistols

  13. somebody fuck wit this link and tell me wether you like the music or hate it http://t.co/DgzHfl1D

  14. u can keep the tight shirts that aint how we kick it

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