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Stoney Haze

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Everything posted by Stoney Haze

  1. Represent by. Stoney Haze http://t.co/Vr9PRemn via #HazeVizion My NEW Song and Video "Umma git Mine" Dropin today at 5!!!!

  2. This could be a very social day as the Gemini Full Moon Eclips... More for Leo http://t.co/B107hSgL

  3. Rt if You like please: Represent by. Stoney Haze http://t.co/Vr9PRemn #HazeVizion The NEW "Umma git Mine"comin 12/10/11 5p.m.

  4. Tryin to Make a Play a Day!!!!!!!

  5. You get excited by thinking about the future with the Moon vis... More for Leo http://t.co/B107hSgL

  6. Still Goin HARD on this Edit,24/7 ain`t enough!!! Just may drop it in the a.m. or something.Stay tuned! http://t.co/raM0CBqh #HazeVizion

  7. I`m Editin My NEW one Now!!!!!! http://t.co/H4rwKdur -Haze

  8. Damn!!!!!!! It feels Good,I Can Do a New song and Shot the Video And NOT be on No Ones Time but My Own!!!! #HARDWORK

  9. New ideas are presented to you today, widening your perspectiv... More for Leo http://t.co/B107hSgL

  10. On the Mic or Workin the Camera,I Do It!!!!!!!!!! Represent by. Stoney Haze http://t.co/Vr9PRemn via #HazeVizion

  11. 2012 Um Goin ALL In!!!!!!! Vids,Music and Film............ -Haze

  12. This NEW Vid,I`m Reppin Hard for the City of Houston!!!!!

  13. Editin a New Video!!! Skills thru da roof now,#HazeVizion

  14. Umma git Mine Video and Song comin soon!!!!!! 3 NEW singles and Videos before 2012 -Haze

  15. K.I.M.v2 cominsoon!!!! "Keep It Movein" V1.5 by @stoneyhaze411 http://t.co/lSnvBIwO

  16. Time to git To It!!!!!!!! -Haze

  17. "MASHIN"On da Way!!!!! Represent by. Stoney Haze http://t.co/Vr9PRemn via @youtube

  18. Where My Bitch???????????

  19. Your mood is on the upswing today, but it's still wise to exer... More for Leo http://t.co/B107hSgL

  20. Bout to Run Do a quick 8 fa One of My G`z!!!!!!! "MASHIN"On da Way.

  21. I Gotta Roll Solo!!!!

  22. ItsHazeVizion, A TRILL Ni**as Vizual....... Represent by. Stoney Haze http://t.co/Vr9PRemn via #HazeVizion

  23. I`m in the Streets!!!!!!!!!!

  24. You don't like the idea of cutting back on your activities bec... More for Leo http://t.co/B107hSgL

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