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Status Updates posted by bigmakk

  1. when i saw the Big Bad Wolf video i thought i was on acid.

  2. I can't believe I'm awake right now

  3. #areyoupregorightnow? RT @TGISteph: Why when i say "i was throwing up this morning" the first question is "are you ... http://t.co/L4K6elyr

  4. "@CherchezLeCrude: @BIGMAKK_ i got beans straight from zionm fuckwitme"

  5. Iin my producing mode

  6. i wanna chill with some pretty ladies tonight.

  7. Who's got a spot to smoke at

  8. My mom just bought a 300 #imtight

  9. I love it though. You know?

  10. Big sean as a role model is plain retardation

  11. Then again maybe she won't.

  12. I stole the wine outta amy house

  13. RT @Arwazdo: #OnlyBlackPeopleSay eat dem chitlins dey make you nice and scrong

  14. i can officially close my itunes for good

  15. play da meek mill bruh

  16. hbs meeting, smoking weed, pre game fridays, family gang radio. busy day =]

  17. Just finished mixing this track for @Davidheartbreak . Now what are we doing today?

  18. Smokin on purple ease mag minddddd

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