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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I got a good one #WelcometoRockHill where snitches don't die, they multiply!

  2. 15 minutes to go, tryin get to my medicine before I go insane! #Marleytime not #Millertime

  3. On my lunch break listening to some #MalcolmX dropping #knowledge #whatuknowaboutdat

  4. Good Morning Ppl! Today is already written, all we can do is play our part n the script. Thank God 4 the privelage, whatever the day brings.

  5. S/o @ShardUp 4 the late night session. We gotta #getitin mo often lil cuz!

  6. My character cannot be assassinated, I ain't actin!

  7. “@RevRunWisdom Rule numero uno::: if you aint thankful for what u got, u won't be thankful for what u get”

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