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Jarrett Jazzy J Cochran

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Status Updates posted by Jarrett Jazzy J Cochran

  1. I feel sorry for baby veronica biological father. I mean It's not like he's an unfit parent.

  2. Good convo going on in my last status... Join in...

  3. No matter how hard I try I always manage to f it up...

  4. Which one ya'll think... The one with model or without??? Let me know gotta get them prints out. Yall hit up MsMo Rose for design...

  5. At a time Nelson Mandela was our living Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Now those two are together in the great kingdom we all hope to visit when we leave this earth. They will forever remain a symbol of the peace and equality we fought for. R.i.p Nelson Mandela

  6. We made Syria surrender their chemical weapons... Yall keep calm Obama got this...

  7. If only the party had reach its full potential... S/O to everybody who came out and stopped by the dj booth...

  8. Is it bad to give a unwrapped gift?? They gone rip it off anyway. +the 3 kings didn't wrap the gift they gave to baby Jesus. I think... I just need a excuse cause I don't know how to.

  9. Fellas... Show her a good man... Then show her what she gotta do to keep one. Cause they know too a good one hard to find. -Chronicles of Jazzy 96:36-

  10. Wonder if Skinnie Gray gone cook us up a hit tonight...

  11. Hey family and friends do me a favor. Tomorrow don't text me Christmas. Tell it to me when you see me if you

  12. Who got breakfast rolling???

  13. Tomorrow night you can catch me Dicky Lemons... Animal print party

  14. Don't confuse scared with smart... #random #bored

  15. Woke back up and can't go sleep...Bout to put on some good ole Al Green Stimulate the mind.

  16. I need somebody who gone stick by me like Michelle do Obama... I got a vision baby, comma comma comma. #Jazzy3xs

  17. Them gifts with the prices stamped on the box... Damn you... I wana make a family dollar gift look like its from kohls or something...

  18. Beauty at its best...Need Affordable Rates??Contact us at: 843-640-1750Affordable Creations (a Sound So Good Company)#affordablecreations #soundsogoodent

  19. Started my New Year off with God, family then work... I'm just now turning in.

  20. How ya'll let Paul Walker die... Damn R.I.P

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