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Status Updates posted by MissClardy

  1. Watching this stupid movie in biology@JayyMartina

  2. They that wait! Amen!*+* *+*

  3. If you still trying to be something you not #KILLYODAMNSELF !!!

  4. Nails done. Finally. Needed this. *+*S.aved W.ith A.mazing G.race*+*

  5. Callin my phone between the hours of 1 a.m. and 10 a.m. #UKnowBetter !!!

  6. Lion King 3D! Yeah buddy! *+* *+*

  7. Either you love me or you hate me, no in between!

  8. still got 2 classes left for today #smh

  9. Ready to be at my casa in my bed. *O.U.S.T.*

  10. I really like La La's new show

  11. At&T playing dude! .N3v@ g!v€ N.

  12. Shopping with my sis! on my way to L town! yippie!

  13. Bout to Set It Off*+*S.aved W.ith A.mazing G.race*+*

  14. Rocking this afro dough*+*S.aved W.ith A.mazing G.race*+*

  15. So Famous Footwear dnt sell coats?! Lhh -[!!!Happy 21st Birthday Aaprara!!!]-

  16. Tol u niggas ntbro play no travy #twerkteam*+* *+*

  17. I'm straight upset though. Smh. *+* *+*

  18. Goin in on my Ace bday!! -[!!!Happy 21st Birthday Aaprara!!!]-

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